Alive in Christ

Interview with a Transhumanist

Alex Jones interviews Dr. James Hughes, Executive Director of the World Transhumanist Association, and author of Citizen Cyborg: Why Democratic Societies Must Respond to the Redesigned Human of the Future.   Dr. Hughes argues that sometime in the future, due to genetic and other body modification, the state will have to determine who is human and who is not!  

Transhumanism is a philosophy that encourages the use of technology to “improve the human condition”.   They desire to modify the human body to make it look better, live longer, be stronger, using technolgies such as genetic engineering, robotics, information technology, and nanotechnology.   Those who accept this modification would become transhuman or posthuman, which is seen as the next step in human evolution.   They want to engineer their own evolution!   Considering that the Bible says that God CREATED everything, are these not endangering the world and their own souls with these transhuman technologies?  

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